
Not even a week in...

I have faith in only a few things. I have faith in God, in my family, and in a few of my friends. I don't have faith in many institutions, except the Church, because I know that human-lead organizations will only disappoint; I've learned that putting faith in any one person aside from God will leave us empty, desiring more, and sorely disillusioned.

That's why, when I learned that our new president would be Barrack Obama, I didn't mind all that much. I was excited even; and I didn't even vote for the guy. Yet my excitement was misplaced, because in only the first three days of office, he's managed to turn something completly upside down; something truly close to my heart.

I don't know when standing against abortion became such an issue with me. I suppose I've always been against it, just as I'm against all types of anti-life issues; genocide, war, euthanasia, capital punishment. I remember hearing about the abortion procedure for the first time when I was thirteen and utterly appalled that a human being would rip a baby, too young to even cry, from the uterus; all for the convenience or "well-being" of the mother. The images that I saw scarred me; it began my disillusionment of the human race.

And now our dear President, who's been in office for less than a week is giving the tax dollars, that I give of (most of the time without complaint) to abortion clinics abroad. I am so disappointed, and heart-broken that the one person who is in charge of our nation's collective fate, cares so little for the little ones.

People claim that its women's rights issue: but what about human rights? Oh, sure, a "fetus" has no rights, but who decided that? We did. Everytime we let something like this go, without saying anything, without standing up and saying a child, no matter how old, in the womb or out, has rights; a right to breathe on his or her own, a right to have a first day of kindergarten, and a right to have a loving mother and father who want it. Millions of requests for adoptions go unanswered every year. But every year, over 800,000 legal abortions take place, just in the United States. Since the passing of Roe V. Wade in '73, over 45 million legal abortions have taken place.

People get upset about 11 million people (6 million jews, 5 million others) dying in concentration camps in WWII, but what about America's own babies?

In an anthropology class at CSUF, one of my texts said you can learn a lot about a culture based on how they treat their dead. Aborted babies are labeled "Biohazard" and tossed into trash recepticles. Some are even abandoned in vacant fields. And we go about our daily lives, not stopping to even think about how fundamentally wrong that is.

So congratulations Mr. President. Not even a week in, and you've disappointed millions of registered voters. Including me.

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